At home, at kitchen table. A lesson has been learned. The importance of "la cuillère à glace" (the ice cream scoop) has been discovered. A plain spoon will not do. Definitely an ice cream scoop for the perfect photogenic scoop.

The only problem is, it is quite difficult to find a good ice cream scoop in tokyo. Millions of shops, but no classic scoops. The ones that have been found are shiny, brand new, and very 21st century. Am hoping to come across a classic (rustic) beauty. Something that would look lovely in a Berthillon shop (but then again, most things would look lovely in a Berthillon shop . . . ). Will have to make use of grandmother's very old (authentic vintage) one until search is over.
This ice cream is rich, sweet, intense, and heavenly. It is an ice cream for true chocolate lovers. Am thinking of experimenting with a less cacao percentage chocolate (perhaps 54% as have good 54% cacao chocolate in pantry) to create chocolate ice cream for the chocolate liking ice cream lovers. If anyone tries, would be very happy to hear about results.
Happy ice cream making!

p.s. Do check Indochine Kitchen's recipe here, as it has step by step photographs explaining the process of ice cream making perfectly.
* { rich chocolate ice cream adapted from : indochine kitchen — chocolate ice cream }
— チョコレートアイスクリームのレシピは以下 :